I have spent the past week and some change trying to come up with a specific topic to rant on. There has to be ONE single thing that irritates the hell out of me enough for me to make a list or just ramble insanely about.
How hard is it to get me foaming at the mouth? I get angry over tv commercials and old episodes of Star Trek. The problem is, however, that EVERYTHING is irritating me beyond my capacity to focus on any one of them.
First of all I have been obsessed with “respect.” Not respect as normal people see it. You know, how you don’t steal things from your friends and neighbors? How you don’t grope strangers on the bus or fart while at a funeral? Not that sort of respect at all but a the bizarre, mutilated concept that has seemingly permeated segments of our society (and no, as far as I can see this has nothing to do with race at all cause I have seen and read about from all races and every creed this side of the Druids).
I have been reading a lot about people getting shot, stabbed, beaten and even killed over “disrespect.” Just the other day, in Chicago, an elderly, hard of hearing gentleman was shot because he did not respond to a 21 year old man’s request for…a dollar.
Naturally the disrespected young man had to bust a cap in the old man. His honor and dignity were at stake! I mean here he was, at his job begging like a bum, and along comes an old man who fails to acknowledge or praise him. BAM! If you cannot get the respect you deserve, as an able bodied, gun-toting young man who CAN get respect? What is this world coming to?
I thought I would make a list up of things you do and do NOT deserve respect for:
-If you are hanging outside of a fast food restaurant asking people for money anything short of someone actually spitting in your hair is not “disrespectful.” Hell, even spitting in your hair might be a relative sign of respect.
- If you can successfully shoot an 84 year old man, from less than 10 yards away, you are, by Chicago low-life standards, a very good marksman (usually they accidentally shoot school kids) and are deserving of respect.
-I respect anyone who can actually keep anything from Taco Bell down.
-You do not deserve respect just for being old. If he were alive Mussolini would be very, very old now
But this is as far as could go with this. Something else wormed its way into my head.
The Catholic Church seeped in. How hard is it to find ANYTHING funny about the Catholic Church? All I could think about was the photo of one of the popes during World War II giving the Fascist salute in front of a bunch of Germans. Now, admittedly, those popes were in a bit of a spot…oh and they were Fascists. But even SO, I can cut them a little more slack that the current pope.
As Stalin put it succinctly; “How many divisions has the pope got?” Not-a-one. Yet how many troops does it require to EXHIBIT BASIC DECENCY? What does the Holy Church do when confronted with 40 plus years of abuse of children? It attacks the media like it some football player who got caught with a hooker. It talks about how IT is being attacked after every new piece of evidence. A group of grown men who wear pointy hats and dresses react with incredulity that SOME PORTION ofa large group of men who forswear sex for their entire lives might have SOMETHING odd about them? I know it is a GIANT leap. But everyone knows they knew. The baffling thing is that there is one, single person who still goes anywhere near a church.
Then, just the other day, they issued a statement ordering bishop to report cases WHERE THE LAW REQUIRES IT and assist authorities. This would totally exonerate the Holy Church if this were 1960. These people actually claim to be the representatives of God on earth? They better pray he isn’t the pissed off, angry God of the Old Testament or Tiber is going to be full of toads any day now.
To top all THIS off Sarah Palin made comments on Nuclear policy. That is a joke right there but really is she any worse than any of the other commentators out there jabbering and jabbering. And yet I cannot get any of my OWN jabbering going.
Sarah’s jabbering, somehow, started me thinking about MAD (not the drunk driving thing….but Mutally Assured Destruction) and how it ACTUALLY WORKED. You don’t think so Brother Love? So when was that thermonuclear war? Wasn’t one, was there? No, you didn’t miss it ‘cause you took a really fearsome bong hit.
It never happened.
That led me to try to come up with a list of things that were actually good but had a bad reputation. You know, like Charlie Sheen. Ok. Maybe not Charlie Sheen.
So you can see I have been unfocused. I plan to do my taxes tomorrow. That should give me something else to write about, something I can focus on as my already scant bank account empties.
How hard is it to get me foaming at the mouth? I get angry over tv commercials and old episodes of Star Trek. The problem is, however, that EVERYTHING is irritating me beyond my capacity to focus on any one of them.
First of all I have been obsessed with “respect.” Not respect as normal people see it. You know, how you don’t steal things from your friends and neighbors? How you don’t grope strangers on the bus or fart while at a funeral? Not that sort of respect at all but a the bizarre, mutilated concept that has seemingly permeated segments of our society (and no, as far as I can see this has nothing to do with race at all cause I have seen and read about from all races and every creed this side of the Druids).
I have been reading a lot about people getting shot, stabbed, beaten and even killed over “disrespect.” Just the other day, in Chicago, an elderly, hard of hearing gentleman was shot because he did not respond to a 21 year old man’s request for…a dollar.
Naturally the disrespected young man had to bust a cap in the old man. His honor and dignity were at stake! I mean here he was, at his job begging like a bum, and along comes an old man who fails to acknowledge or praise him. BAM! If you cannot get the respect you deserve, as an able bodied, gun-toting young man who CAN get respect? What is this world coming to?
I thought I would make a list up of things you do and do NOT deserve respect for:
-If you are hanging outside of a fast food restaurant asking people for money anything short of someone actually spitting in your hair is not “disrespectful.” Hell, even spitting in your hair might be a relative sign of respect.
- If you can successfully shoot an 84 year old man, from less than 10 yards away, you are, by Chicago low-life standards, a very good marksman (usually they accidentally shoot school kids) and are deserving of respect.
-I respect anyone who can actually keep anything from Taco Bell down.
-You do not deserve respect just for being old. If he were alive Mussolini would be very, very old now
But this is as far as could go with this. Something else wormed its way into my head.
The Catholic Church seeped in. How hard is it to find ANYTHING funny about the Catholic Church? All I could think about was the photo of one of the popes during World War II giving the Fascist salute in front of a bunch of Germans. Now, admittedly, those popes were in a bit of a spot…oh and they were Fascists. But even SO, I can cut them a little more slack that the current pope.
As Stalin put it succinctly; “How many divisions has the pope got?” Not-a-one. Yet how many troops does it require to EXHIBIT BASIC DECENCY? What does the Holy Church do when confronted with 40 plus years of abuse of children? It attacks the media like it some football player who got caught with a hooker. It talks about how IT is being attacked after every new piece of evidence. A group of grown men who wear pointy hats and dresses react with incredulity that SOME PORTION ofa large group of men who forswear sex for their entire lives might have SOMETHING odd about them? I know it is a GIANT leap. But everyone knows they knew. The baffling thing is that there is one, single person who still goes anywhere near a church.
Then, just the other day, they issued a statement ordering bishop to report cases WHERE THE LAW REQUIRES IT and assist authorities. This would totally exonerate the Holy Church if this were 1960. These people actually claim to be the representatives of God on earth? They better pray he isn’t the pissed off, angry God of the Old Testament or Tiber is going to be full of toads any day now.
To top all THIS off Sarah Palin made comments on Nuclear policy. That is a joke right there but really is she any worse than any of the other commentators out there jabbering and jabbering. And yet I cannot get any of my OWN jabbering going.
Sarah’s jabbering, somehow, started me thinking about MAD (not the drunk driving thing….but Mutally Assured Destruction) and how it ACTUALLY WORKED. You don’t think so Brother Love? So when was that thermonuclear war? Wasn’t one, was there? No, you didn’t miss it ‘cause you took a really fearsome bong hit.
It never happened.
That led me to try to come up with a list of things that were actually good but had a bad reputation. You know, like Charlie Sheen. Ok. Maybe not Charlie Sheen.
So you can see I have been unfocused. I plan to do my taxes tomorrow. That should give me something else to write about, something I can focus on as my already scant bank account empties.